Judy will be on site signing books with books available for sale. Book Two, Second Chance Life will be released October 2nd and can be preordered now on Amazon, iTunes, Kindle, KOBO, and Nook.
Please stop by and chat. I am a quilter myself and have taught classes on quilting for many years.Quilting on the Bayfront is sponsored by the Millcreek Sewing and Fabric Shop
Owner – Judy Fenton
Located at 6044 Peach Street, Erie, PA
Quilting on the Bayfront – Held at the Bayfront Convention Center on the bay of Lake Erie, Erie, PA
Deb Tucker – The national guest speaker for this event.
Vendors from the tri-state region will be represented. Several local quilt guilds will be on sight raffling quilts.

Judy Sharer