About Judy
Judy Sharer is a historical sweet romance author of A Plains Life series. Her four book series is inspired by her passion for history and the simpler life of settlers. Writing is her second career after over 30 years in education. She now embraces her desire for writing daily and writes in the northwestern mountains of Pennsylvania appreciating the outdoors, the changing of the seasons, a good cup of coffee in the morning, and she loves to bake. Pies, cakes, and breads are her favorite.
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In the process of writing her books, Judy would write a rough draft and then revise and add chapters several times before finally coming to the conclusion that writing really is a process that shouldn’t be rushed.
Judy’s other interests include: button collecting, baking, quilting, hunting and gardening.
Fun Facts
It has been Judy’s dream to write a book set in this time period for many years. Now her dream has come true and she hopes you will enjoy her efforts as much as she has enjoyed writing this novel to share with you.
Judy writes almost every day with her assistant, Miss Kitty, a black and white short haired cat at her side reminding her to take breaks and share attention.